TIMO Exam Primary2_04 on Day:.........Month:..........Year:...........

Total Core =

  • Question 1: Find the value of 8+13+17+6+12+4.
  • Question 2: If A and B are both 1-digit numbers, what is the value of B-A if the equation with carrying is correct?
  • image of question 2
  • Question 3: If A and B are different 1-digit numbers, what is the value of B if the equation is correct?
  • image of question 3
  • Question 4: Find the value of 12/4+16/4+20/4-48/6
  • Question 5: 10 students have odd number of scores of mathemtics test in total. 3 students have odd number of scores and 4 students have even number of scores. At most how many student(s) have even numbers of socres.
  • Question 6: Fill the lines with '+' and '-' to make the equation below correct.(Write down the complete equation on the answer sheet).
  • Question 7: What is the largest 2-digit number that can be divisible by 3 and 5?
  • Question 8: The numbers below follow the arithmetic dequence, what is the 15th numbers?
  • Question 9: How many 2-digit number(s) that is/are multiples of 4 is/are there?
  • Question 10: Fill the lines with (+) and (x) to make the equation below correct. (Write down the complete equation in the answer sheet).