TIMO Exam Primary2_01 on Day:.........Month:..........Year:...........

Total Core =

  • Question 1: When Mary was 5 years old, Annie was 8 years old. When Mary will be 17 years old, how old will Annie be?
  • Question 2: According to the pattern shown below, what is the number in the blank?
    18, 22, 30, 42, 58, 78, ......
  • Question 3: 16 children form a column. There are 4 children in front of Amy. How many children are behind her?
  • Question 4: According to the pattern shown below, how many * is/are there in the 6th group?
  • image of question 5
  • Question 5: According to the pattern shown below, what is the English alphabet in the space provided?
    C, E, H, L, .......
    3, 5, 8, 12.
  • Question 6: 3rd April 2021 is Saturday. Which day of the week is 2nd May this year?
  • Question 7: Find the value of 13+28+17+34+22+16.
  • Question 8: If A and B are both 1-digit numbers, what is the value of B - A if the equation whith carrying is correct?
  • image of question 8
  • Question 9: Find the value of 5x14+10x4+20x2.
  • Question 10: Find the value of 17/4+21/4+7/4-1/4.