The Camping Trip

This is Anna. She's seven.
Today she is at home with her family.
It's the school holidays.
'I'm bored,' says Anna.
'I'm bored too,' says Tom.
Tom is Anna's little brother. He's five.
'Mum, we're bored' says Anna.
'What can we do?'
'Let's go camping,' says Mum.
'Good idea!,' says Dad.
They look at the map.
'Look,' says Mum. 'There's a camping site in Upton.
It's near the breach.'
They look for the camping things.
'Where's my sleeping bag?' asks Tom.
'It's in the cupboard,' says Mum.
'Where's my sleeping mat?' says Anna.
'It's under your bed,' says Mum
'Where's is the camping stove?' asks Dad.
'It's in this drawer,' says Mum.