The Grocery

Not far from the shops Kim had just visited, Kure spotted a big grocery store.

“Look!” Kurt exclaimed. “There is a poster on the window, Kim. It says Job Opening.”

Kim went inside and asked to speak to the boss. “Hi, I'm Kim and this is Kurt. We saw your Job Opening ad in the window.” “Nice to meet you,” said the grocer. “My name is Mr. Fremont. I own this grocery store.”

Mr. Fremont was a large, jolly-looking man. Kim liked the look of him. She had a feeling he would be a kind boss.

“Have you ever had a job?” asked Mr. Fremont.

“No,” said Kim. “But I can sweep and I can mop. I can help unpack boxes. I’m good at math, so I can help with the cash register. Just show me what to do!”

Mr. Fremont smiled.

“Well, Jeannie here is helping me take inventory at the moment,” he said.

“What sort of food is inventory?” asked Kurt. Is it yummy?”

Mr. Fremont was going to reply, but Kim cut in. “Inventory is not a food, you silly goof. Inventory means they are counting all the goods in the shop. They need to know precisely how many of each item they have. Then they will know how many they need to order.”

“It sounds like you know a lot about how to run a grocery store,” said Mr, Fremont.

“I know some,” Kim said cheerfully. “You can teach me the rest quickly. I'm good with details and problem solving.”

“Well, Miss Kim,” said Mr. Fremont, “I have taken a liking to you. You seem bright. But would you mind if I gave you one or two tests to see what you can do?”

“No problem!” Kim said.
“I would like a job, too,” Kurt said.

“And I would like to hire you,” said Mr. Fremont. But I can’t. You are a child and the law says I can’t hire children.

“Too bad,” said Kurt. “I’m a good counter, too.

“I'll tell you what,” Mr. Fremont said. “I have a small task for your sister. You watch her and let me know if she makes a mistake. Okay?”
“Okay,” said Kurt.