The Dinner

The next place Kim went to look for a job was a diner.

“I'll just drop off my name and number and then we can go on to the next place,” she said.

“No, no,” said Kurt. “I don’t think you should do that.”
“Why not?” said Kim.

“You would not like to take a job in a diner without tasting the food to find out if it’s good.”

“Hmmm. I think that you would like to test the food at the diner, Mister Gelato!”
Kurt nodded.

They went in. The place was packed. All the booths were taken. There were people sitting on most of the stools. A waitress passed by with a huge tray piled high with dishes. It was quite a sight.

“There's a spot at the counter over there,” said Kim. “Let's grab it.”

Kurt and Kim waited. After five minutes a waitress came by.

“Hi? said Kim, “I would like to ask if you are hiring.”
“And I would like to ask if the milkshakes here are good,”
said Kurt.

“You won't find a better milkshake in all of Brooklyn,” said the waitress. “Would you like to try one?”

Kurt nodded. He ordered a hot dog, fries, and a milkshake.

“I'll just have coffee and pancakes,” said Kim.

“Okay,” said the waitress. “I'll check with the boss to see if he’s hiring”

“Did you just order pancakes for lunch?” Kurt asked.
Kim nodded.

“That seems odd,” said Kurt.

“No, it’s not,” said Kim. “You can get pancakes all day long in a diner.”

“If you say so,” said Kurt.

“So, what kinds of jobs do they have in a diner?” Kurt asked.

“They have the waiters and waitresses. They take orders and bring food,” Kim explained. “There are people back in the kitchen, too. There is a cook and someone to clean the dishes.”

The boss came over. “So, you would like a summer job?” he asked Kim.

“Can you cook?” he asked. “I need a cook in the morning. And I need someone to clean dishes at night.”

“I'm not going to lie,” Kim told the man, “I'm not the best cook. But I don’t mind cleaning dishes.”

“Well, to clean dishes, you would stay until midnight or one a.m. sometimes.”

“That's late for me,” said Kim. “That might not be the best job for me. Buc thank you for your time.”

“Thank you, too,” said the boss.