The Petting Zoo
Well, kids, the last thing that you all get to see is the petting zoo.

You can't pet the os-trich, the otters, or the spoorbills. And it would not be wise to pet the pan-ther or the bob-cat! But in this part of the zoo, you can pet all of the critt-ers.

This rabb-it’s name is Hoss. He likes it when you rub his neck.

Here are two chickens. They like it when you toss them seed corn.

You can pet the chickens, foo, But some-times they get scared. It's best if you do not run up to them be-cause runn-ing scares them.

There's Pam, our pet pig. You can pet her, too. Pam likes to be petted.

There's Pam, our pet pig. You can pet her, too. Pam likes to be petted.

Well, kids, that’s it for me. I hope you had a good time at the zoo to-day. I had fun point-ing out some of the critters that I like best.

I hope some of you can visit — with your moms and dads. There -is so much to see here at the Green Fern Zoo. You could vis-it _us five times and still see lots of cool things!