The Coin Shop
Nan drove us to the coin shop.

The man in the coin shop was pal of hers. His name was Jack.

“Jack,” Nan said, “this is Kate Skipp:er I'm Kate's nan. She's out here for the summer: We went for a hike, and Kate found a coin in a cave.”

“Well, Miss Skipp-er” Jack said, “let's have a look at it!”

I handed him the coin.

Jack set it un-der a looking glass and switched on a lamp. “Let's see,” he said. “It’s got some scrotch-es on it. But I-can tell that it's a Spanish coin. Tt's made of silver, too.”

“When was it made?” asked Nan.

“There's no date on the coin,” said Jack. “But I'll bet it dates back to the sixteen hundreds. The Spanish minted a big batch of coins like this one back then.”

“Goodness!” said Nan.

“Is that a long time back in the past?” I asked.

“Yes,” said Jack. “Let me run and fetch my book on Spanish coins.”

When Jack came back, he said, “There's just one thing I need you fo tell me, Miss Skipp-er.”

“What's that?” I asked.

“Are there a lot of coins like this one in that cave?”

“No.” I said, “we found just this one.”
“That's a shame,” Jack said.
Why?” I asked.

“If there were a lot of coins, you and your Nan would be rich!” said Jack. “I could sell a coin like this for three hun:dred bucks!”

“Three hundred bucks?” said Nan.
Jack nodded.
“Yippee!” I shouted. “I'm rich!”