Math Olympiad K1_21 on Day:.........Month:..........Year:...........

Total Core =

  • Question 1: Van has three cats, Tong has five snakes, Jork has nine dogs. Determind the sum of their leg of odd or even number ?
  • Question 2: It is known as "JOHN" is "LQJP". What is the password of "COW" ?
  • Question 3: A duck has 2 legs. How many leg do 10 duck have ?
  • Question 4: It is known as "JOHN" is "LQJP". What is the password of "CAT" ?
  • Question 5: A cat has 4 legs. How many leg do 8 cats have ?
  • Question 6: Nita has 3 cats, Vong has 4 spiders, Rong has 4 dogs. How many animal legs are there ?
  • Question 7: Tong has 6 cats, Hai has 7 ducks, Van has 3 grabs, Rong has 2 snakes. How many animal legs are there ?
  • Question 8: Separate 14 ducks into 7 equal groups. How many duck(s) is/are in each group ?
  • Question 9: What is the value of (10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6) - (5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1)
  • Question 10: What is the value of (9 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1) - (6 + 1 + 2 + 1)