Math Olympiad K1_16 on Day:.........Month:..........Year:...........

Total Core =

  • Question 1: If X is a 1-digit number. What is its value in the number sentence below ?
    17 - X = 12
  • Question 2: If X is a 1-digit number. What is its value in the number sentence below ?
    19 - X = 15
  • Question 3: If X is a 1-digit number. What is its value in the number sentence below ?
    20 - X = 19
  • Question 4: If X is a 1-digit number. What is its value in the number sentence below ?
    30 - X = 25
  • Question 5: If X is a 1-digit number. What is its value in the number sentence below ?
    35 - X = 30
  • Question 6: If X is a 1-digit number. What is its value in the number sentence below ?
    45 + X = 48
  • Question 7: In 20 yeas time, Tong will be 45 years old. How old is Tong now ?
  • Question 8: Find the value of 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 4
  • Question 9: Find the value of 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 11
  • Question 10: Find the value of 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 22